Monday, June 13

Train Station Epiphany

My life is finally picking up. 

Which invariably means that it is also looking up.

Which also means, dear readers, that I am one happy camper.
Tired...but happy.

I worked all weekend at Lagoon, and as far as I can tell, I think I'm going to like working there very much. My favorite ride to work on is by far the Wild Kingdom Train. Unfortunately, I don't get to run said train, I just let people into the station and then load them on and off of the train. I know it sounds fairly monotonous, but I actually really enjoy it! 
I love watching people- not in a creepy/stalker way, I just really enjoy observing how people interact. And in a place like Lagoon, there is much to observe.
My favorite is families with little kids. 
( Again, I promise I'm not a creeper )
The kids are all just so excited! The fact that they are about to ride on a real live train is almost too good to be true! The parents, by this point, are exhausted. Neither can remember exactly why they thought bringing the kids to Lagoon was such a good idea, but they smile and nod with glazed-over eyes, pretending they're listening to the millions of words exiting their children's mouths. Once the children realize that they're being ignored, they turn to me.
This is when I love my job.
In their eyes, I'm not just some skinny, physically unimpressive, ginger girl who could find nothing better to do with her summer than work in a rip-off amusement park. 
To them, I'm a mysterious force, a magical person that can make their dreams come true. 
( long as their dreams involve riding a choo-choo train)
I know it sounds ridiculously cheesy, but I really like knowing that I have the power to make people happy.
That I can make a difference in someone's life, even if they only remember it for two days. Or two minutes.

When I was standing in the train station, watching children's eyes get as big as beach balls when the train finally came around the corner, I realized that that's what I want to do.
Make people happy.
Make a difference, no matter how small.

This is also when I realized how excited I am to become a teacher. To have the ability to change lives, and make people happy every day!
To be the kind of person that helps children become who and what they want to be. 
That's what I want, more than anything.

Maybe I'm crazy.

Maybe I don't care.

Moral of This Story: It's never too late to have a dream.

The ENd.

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