Thursday, March 22

Real or Not Real?

So, remember that awesome super early premiere I got to go to?
Well, I just got back. 
It was incredible.
Really, truly, that's the best way I know to describe it.
The acting was amazing, the detail exquisite, the cinematography breathtaking
Just incredible. 
It made you laugh, weep, scream, gasp, smile, and make you feel like you could never smile again. 
And it gave me a lot to think about.

My Dad has been very adamant that he does not want to watch this movie, and until tonight I didn't really understand why.
Reading about the brutal slaughter of 22 children was heart-wrenching enough, but actually seeing it was horrifying.
Seeing people younger even than I am, brutally killing
- and worse- 
enjoying it 
made me sick to my stomach. 
But almost worse than seeing a defenseless 12 year old boy hacked apart by an ax, Cato torn apart by Muttations, and poor little Rue skewered by a spear that she couldn't even lift on her own;
was seeing how eerily similar the civilization in this fictional world is to the one we live in. 

Give us a few hundred years and a Nuclear Holocaust and we could easily become Panem. Let our society continue with the path of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer and we'll have a Capitol before you know it.

And if you think about it, really, what is The Hunger Games other than an especially brutal Reality Show?
How is it that much different than Survivor,
The Bachelor, or even Jersey Shore?
We watch people do nothing but hurt each other physically and emotionally, and we enjoy it.
It makes me sick.

My Dad told me that he didn't want to see The Hunger Games because it portrayed a world that he really didn't ever want to live in. But if you really think about it, maybe we already do.


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