Now, my good people.
I have a secret.
I say curse words.
I know what you're thinking,
"Not Brittany! She's too small and adorable!"
Well, I'm totally with you on the adorable part,
but unfortunately... you're wrong.
It's not all the time,
but when I get hurt, or very angry, or when I'm at Lagoon
sometimes they slip out.
One such time happened last week.
I was at Swing Club, I had been dancing my little ginger heart out and decided to take a break and sit down for a little bit.
I was sitting on the floor, and the club is held in a dance studio room so there's a bar halfway up the wall and my head was right underneath it.
My friend Patrick asked me to dance, and without thinking I jumped up to dance and ended up smacking my head
really, really hard on that stupid bar.
Now, not that smacking my head wasn't painful and embarrassing enough; but at that exact second, the song playing ended and so in that three second pause of silence, the entire swing club heard me yell out a curse word.
That's right
I didn't just say a swear
I yelled it
pretty loud.
And, I totally would have been embarrassed about it, but I've kind of become immune to embarrassment, and also my head really hurt.
So there you have it
my guilty confession.
Judge me if you will,
but I don't really care what you think about me.
So, you know.