Wednesday, March 23

For Want of a Better Topic

Well, lately I have been suffering from "Blogger's Block". I have had no idea what to write about. I thought about doing a post on the "Pretty Little Liars" spring finale, but then I realized that there are very few people that actually care about "PLL".  I pondered writing about the crazy routine we've been learning in my swing dance class, but it is terribly complicated and would be very VERY difficult to explain. (If you want to check it out though, go HERE, it's pretty freaking AMAZING!!)

I finally decided to take a leaf out of some of my fellow blogger's books and tell you 30 random facts about myself. Hope you all enjoy!

  1. I have ridiculously long toes.
  2. If I were two inches shorter, I would be a legal midget
  3. I am slightly obsessed with Johnny Depp
  4. I have only ever kissed one person in my life.
  5. I am addicted to Diet Dr. Pepper (I know you're probably thinking EWWWW DIET??, but I don't care)
  6. I have played 5 different instruments in a single concert
  7. I was once locked inside a tuba case
  8. Today, I am wearing bright red pants
  9. I LOVE elephants. 
  10. I have met all the members of the band Family Force 5 (I even high-fived Crouton!! CROUTON!!!)
  11. I have given up on having pretty hands. I bite my nails in my sleep.
  12. Lara Smith, the genius behind the amazing blog The New World is one of my best friends and one of my favorite people of all time.
  13. My favorite Disney man is Aladdin
  14. I have the most incredibly roommates in the world.
  15. I can play the guitar.
  16. I wrote a song that I'm ridiculously proud of
  17. I have a HUGE crush on an awesome guy that I know I'll never have.
  18. I dated a guy two years younger than me
  19. I have a huge sunglasses fetish
  20. I am not a communist
  21. I competed in the most prestigious science fair in the world when I was a freshman.
  22. Technically, I have raped a sheep (It was for science. Don't judge)
  23. I get sick to my stomach when people get strangled in movies.
  24. I enjoy listening to German death metal
  25. I am a ginormous fan of Legos
  26. I could quite happily live in Disneyland for the rest of my life
  27. My favorite band of all time is a Korean boy band called Super Junior
  28. I love the Utah Jazz. Especially Paul Millsap and Fesenko 
  29. Once I accidentally ate part of a jellyfish
  30. I find a ridiculous amount of enjoyment in saying the word "seduce"
Well, I hope you found at least a smidgen of enjoyment in this post. I know it wasn't the most entertaining thing I've ever written, but for today it was the best I could do. 

Laters my peeps

1 comment:

  1. Come now, you totes are a commy! ;) A big ol number 12 right back atcha :) We need to choreograph an interview for you over at TNW! I'll get you some questions sent this next week!
