Saturday, April 7


Remember how I'm not wasting my life sitting on my butt anymore?
How I'm going to live on the edge and have wild adventures?

Well, so far, so good.

Last night me and a bunch of my dance buddies caravan-ed to the good old Salt Lake for some good old swing-dancing joy.
And we had some good old times.
There was food and a live band and tons of just awesome people, I met a bunch of really great dancers and was reacquainted with others that I had met before, and we all just danced and talked and partied until the cows came home!

(Actually, we didn't have any cows. We do big band swing, not silly Country dancing. So we danced until the cows came somewhere else. Like Wyoming. There's lots of cows there.)

I think the last song ended at around 2am, I was a pretty tired pigeon by then- I had been dancing for a solid four hours and was looking forward to passing out on the drive back to Logan. However, I guess it is some type of ritual among the dancers in Salt Lake, to end a night of wonderful dancing with some wonderful food at the Village Inn. So at 2 in the morning, fifteen or so of us partied it up among many delicious pies and breakfast platters and had ourselves a good old time.
Also, when it's 2 in the morning, and you just got a monster sugar rush from a slice of oreo pie, everything is funny. I don't even know what we were talking about half the time, but I thought everything was hilarious. 
When we had all finished our food, and our sugar rushes were starting to wear off, we bid adieu to our new friends and made the long, long drive back to Logan. 
I finally got back to my apartment at around 4:30 this morning, and I barely made it to my bed before I passed out.
It was awesome.
And an adventure.

The End.

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