Wednesday, July 11

When Life Chucks Lemons At Your Face

life hands you lemons,
and you think 

"Gee thanks life! I really needed these lemons! These will go great with that thing that I'm doing! Really man, you could not have picked a better time to graciously hand me such a tart and sunshine colored fruit."

and everything just works out.
But the other times,
when life hands you lemons
you're right in the middle of juggling 13 chainsaws that are also  on fire and made of glass and life's just like

"Dude. Lemons. No really dude, I've got these lemons right here for ya. Like, these are just awesome lemons and I need to to take all 47 of them right now. Like, I know you're busy, but you have to take them. All of them. Right now.

Sometimes life is just a jerk.

But I think I pity myself too much. 
Yeah, maybe I am trying to juggle 13 flaming glass chainsaws
but there are people out there who are juggling even more
while riding a unicycle.
And if life is pestering me, there are people out there that life's just chucking lemons at as hard as it can.

I really don't know what prompted this random rant into the metaphorical giving and receiving of lemons.
I was going to write a post about the upcoming finale of The Bachelorette, but my fingers just went crazy on the keyboard and spit it out without notifying my brain of the change of subject.
I can't even remember the last time I ate a lemon...

I tell you what though,
the next time I do
I will definitely think of flaming glass chainsaws.
And how I can handle anything life decides to throw at me as I juggle them.
Because i am one tough little ginger.

The End

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