Monday, April 4

And So It Begins....

All you humans out there, you better hide yo' kids. Hide yo' wife, and HIDE YO' BRAINS!! because the zombies are coming!!!!

Last night was my first Zombie Resistance Orientation, I went, learned all the rules, and became part of the resistance. My Battalion is the Ballistics Artillery Weapons Logistics Sqauad, or the B.A.W.L.S., I think we're going to make shirts that say "Got B.A.W.L.S.?" on the front. We're so bad-A. 

The battle has barely begun, and already campus is crazy! I had my first zombie encounter this morning and it was terrifying. I walked out of my class in the Business Building and a zombie was waiting for me, he was hiding behind a column so I couldn't get a clear shot at him. He was so terrifying to behold. His skin was gray and rotting, his eyes red and bloodthirsty, his clothes torn and ragged, soaked with the blood of his unfortunate prey. He kept growling and snarling at me while he hid behind the column. Suddenly, he charged me - eyes wild with deranged hunger. Luckily, my sweet battle skills kicked into gear and I shot him right in the head. Eat NERF Zombie scum!!!

My second encounter of the day was right after my second class. I was headed to my bike, alert and wary, when I heard a comrade behind me scream. I turn and fired, hitting the zombie, but not fast enough to save my fellow soldier. Alas, this is war. Sacrifices must be made. 

I'm meeting up with my whole battalion today, we have a mission. I don't know the details yet, but I'll keep you updated.

Keep your fingers crossed that I make it through the day alive!

Lieutenant Daniels
Zombie Resistance
B.A.W.L.S Division. 

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