Tuesday, December 20

Kindasorta Near Death Experience

Today. Is a big day.
Not because Tom Felton (aka Draco Malfoy)
finally realized that though we have never met,
or spoken, or seen each other ever: we are soulmates.
But don't worry, I'm sure he'll realize sometime.

Today is a big day because my Daddy
is having surgery.
frowny face.

My daddy the Titan, was doing a 25 hour Mt. Bike relay race down in St. George a li'l while ago, and he crashed and tore the ligament that connects his clavacle to his shoulder.
So now, he has to get some ligament taken out of his leg, and put in his shoulder to make his clavacle stop movin around all weird all the time.
He went in for surgery at 7 this morning, so I imagine he's under the knife as we speak.
I hope it's going well.
My daddy is a big tough guy, so I imagine he'll be ok.

Since my parents are both at the hospital this morning, I was assigned the task of taking my sisters to school.
So. I had to get up at 7.
Which is so. so. so. early for me
and drive to their respective institutions of education.
One thing about me that will make this story make more sense is this:
I Hate Driving.
I don't really know why, but it really stresses me out.
Also I'm bad at it.
I had to take the Driver's Test 3 times before I got my license.
I'm at the High School dropping off my sister. She gets out of the car and skeedaddles into the building.
I turn around and start heading to the Jr. High to drop off my other sister and her friend that we picked up along the way.
I'm driving, listening to Kelly Clarkson, rocking out a little bit,
when some stupid yuppie in a Mini Cooper pulls out right in front of me without looking.
I screamed a little bit and swerved out of the way of the Cooper Idiot, a steady stream of profanities exiting my mouth as I struggled not to crash into anything.
We were safe.
I spent a good deal of time verbally abusing said Mini Cooper Yuppie, and sped away from the High school.
And my little sister and her friend were looking at me like I was a jellyfish. Or something else that is shocking like a jellyfish.
I instantly felt super sheepish.
Apologized for my foul language, and dropped them off at school.

I made it the rest of the way home without further incident, and with quite a bit of rocking out to Katy Perry.
I am now anxiously awaiting the arrival of my invalid father.
He gets super funny when he's on painkillers,
I'm excited to see how loopy he his!

Drive safe,
Tip your waitresses,
THe ENd.

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