Monday, December 19


Sometimes you look at your life,
and some things need some change.

Sometimes it's big things, like your address, your major, or your last name.

Sometimes it's little things, like which side you part your hair on, or what color you paint your toenails.

And sometimes.
It's inbetweeny things like tote's redesigning your blog.

That's right Ladies and Gents, Illumination Apparatus is no more. Not because there was anything wrong with it, I was just ready for a change.
Hopefully you like it,
but if you don't....
I'm not going to beat myself up about it.

Other than this cute li'l switcheroo I did, there's not much that has been going on in my life.
Finals are over and done, and I'm spending my break in good ol' Ogden with my good ol' family.
I forget how much I love being home while I'm in Logan, then every time I come home I remember how much I just love it here.
My house is just so comfy and it always smells like pine trees and my dad's bread.
I just love it.
I love home.

Also, I love Christmas!
Last Sunday I had a little mini Christmas with my roommates, it was adorable. We all pitched in together to make a delicious dinner, and then we all crammed around our pathetically small table and ate and laughed together.
We've all been through a lot this semester, and it was so nice for us all to just be able to relax and forget about all our problems and just be happy for a little while.
That's what I love most about Christmas, it's a chance to forget about all the hate and the sadness that we're subjected constantly to in this world, and just focus on love, and giving, and happiness. Christmas is like summer break, but for the soul.

Have a Merry Christmas Guys!!

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