Sunday, February 5

Day 5: Freaking Spider Space Crabs

So, the super bowl...
That happened.
I was rooting for the Patriots, but only because I think Giants are big and smelly.
And also because I love the movie "The Patriot"

Mostly I thought this super bowl was kinda boring.
There wasn't a ton of scoring,
People would run
and then they would get knocked over.
Really not that exciting.

I did like the guy that just sat down in the End Zone.
I thought he was hilarious.
I also really liked the Doritos commercial where the old lady catapulted the baby across the yard.
And say what you will, but I liked Madonna.
I thought she was very entertaining.
And the slacklining guy in the toga was awesome.

After the super bowl was when my night got really exciting though.
My neighbors talked me into watching Apollo 18.
Not only is it jump and freaky and full of scary things,
but it's all filmed so that it looks like actual footage.
And they tell you that it's actual footage.
And it freaks me out deep in my soul.
These poor astronauts are just trapped up there,
with secret aliens.
Secret spider-crab aliens that look like rocks.
And I hate them.

The End.

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