Friday, May 20

Shedding Some Light...On Stranger Tides

What were YOU doing at 11:59 last night? 

If you are lame, you were at home by yourself dancing around in your underwear while screaming "IWANNAREALLYREALLYREALLYWANNAZIGAZIGAAHHHH" 

If you are almost cool, you were at your friends house having a Star Trek marathon dressed up as Spock. 

If you were me, you were at the opening showing of Pirates Of The Caribbean, On Stranger Tides. I win.

If you know anything about me, you know that I love (and by love I mean obsessively so) Johnny Depp. Especially when he is Captain Jack Sparrow. I just can't help myself, he is so yummy. any die-hard Pirates fan would be, I was extremely stoked to see the new movie. I had very high expectations for it, and I tell you what: I was incredibly satisfied. 

Here's Why:

  1. No stupid Will & Elizabeth drama. I don't know about you guys, but after the 1st movie I kind of wanted both of them to die. It was so nice to have a break from Will's naive attempts to be noble, and Kiera Knightly's gross overacting.
  2. Blackbeard. The Pirate that All Pirates Fear. He was awesome. And though kind of a jerk, you still just loved him.
  3. Phillip. A very cute, very tan, very muscular, very religious hunk of man that you can't help but swoon over. Many times.
  4. Chandeliers and Cinnamon Rolls. You'll understand when you watch it.
  5. Captain Jack Sparrow. Surprisingly, you see a slightly different side of him in this movie, and though as sexy and piratey as ever, he's just cute too.
  6. Mermaids. Dude, these are not your typical Little Mermaids. They be some tough wenches. Arrgh.
  7. Barbosa. I love Jack Sparrow, but I can't deny that  Barbosa is hands down the best Pirate. Plus he spends half the movie wearing a ridiculously huge wig. I loved it.
  8. 3D. I've seen a couple 3D movies that were just hard to watch and they gave me a huge headache, but this one was just breathtaking. You really did feel like you were right there in the movie. It was amazing.

This is Phillip- what a babe right??

Obviously: I loved the whole movie. I thought it was amazing. If you were debating whether or not you should go see it- go. You won't be sorry. And in the off chance that you read this and then decide to go see it, and hate it, and think"That Brittany chick said it was going to be good! Curse her! I must have my revenge!"

I will buy you some skittles. But only if you promise not to hurt me. 

The End.

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