Friday, May 11

Dearest Stranger,

So. I'm not even going to try an deny my pinterest addiction. 
Since the moment my dear friend Lara Jean said to me,

"Bah-rit-tah-neeee! Do you have pinterest? Because you should have pinterest. That's all I'm trying to say."

I have been totally, utterly, completely hooked.
I pin tons of things. Thousands of things.
Literally. I just checked.
I have pinned 2712 pins over the last 7 months. 
That's at least 9 pins per day.
If Pinning was smoking, I'd so have lung cancer by now.

While my pinterest addiction is a very serious thing that I could spend five whole posts talking about, it's not what this particular post is about because THIS particular post is about one particular thing that I found today while I was pinning at least 9 pins on pinterest.
And that 
{One Particular Thing}

"my dearest stranger,"

If you were thinking that this is just a picture of a random letter addressed to a stranger, then you would be right.
Because that is exactly what this is.
I saw this picture, and I was very intrigued.
So I clicked on it.
And was led

It was the project of an English Major from Hallowell, Maine named Katie. She would have people send her a letter, addressed to a stranger, and  a self-addressed envelope. She would mail their letter to a random stranger, and then send a letter from a random stranger to them in return. 
I thought it sounded magical
Like something that the Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants, or possibly Stargirl might do. 
The only problem is, Katie stopped letters-from-strangers at the end of last year. Maybe she graduated or had to repaint her living room or something. I don't know.
All I do know, is that this whole thing sounds like a pretty magical idea to me, and if enough of you are interested...
I'd kind of like to give it a try.
I think it could become something really, really cool.

What do you guys think?

Seriously. Let me know.

The End.

Oooh! Before I forget, here is a shout-out for the lovely Diana Hiatt who won the challenge from my last post that you all should definitely read if you already haven't.
Dear Diana, I hope that you carpe some serious diem despite all the hardships you are constantly having to face.
You. Are a rock star.
Even if your body spray doesn't exactly match your lotion.

Love, Brittany


  1. Hahaha. this makes me so happy. and definitely made my life a little better. you are great.

  2. Hi Brittany,

    One of my ad services redirected me back to your blog. I actually made an announcement that I will be continuing Letters From Strangers. Thank you for your support! :)
