Monday, May 7

First World Problems

I am very lucky.
 I lead a pretty amazing life.
No joke! 
I have the best family in the whole entire world,
I have the best friends a girl could ask for
I don't have a hunchback
I get to sleep with a roof over my head
I get to go to college
I'm a ginger.
Really, I've got it going on.
Like Stacey's mom.

But despite all these wonderful things I have,
I always find myself getting depressed over stupid things.
Really stupid things.
When I would whine about them up in Logan, 
my BRF (Best Roomie Forever)
would just look at me and say,

"First world problems babe."

And then I would remember all the starving children in the Africa and the Iraq and all the other places like such as, and I would feel like a horrible person. 

Here's some of my First world Problems:

  • Sometimes WalMart is out of Salt and Vinegar potato chips.
  • I can't remember how to solve the last side of a rubix cube.
  • I have too much food to fit in my fridge.
  • I have too many clothes to fit in my closet.
  • The internet is slow so it takes 3 whole minutes to load a funny youtube video.
  • I thought that hottie-babe that plays Hawkeye in The Avengers was going to be my new boyfriend, but then I found out that he's really 41. 
  • I'm barely too tall to qualify for a handicap parking permit
  • It's too hot to sleep with all of my blankets on, but I get too cold if I take them off.
  • We're out of the good peanut butter, and all that's in the cupboard is that nasty organic crap.
  • I accidentally pinned something to the wrong board on pinterest.
  • The shoes I want to wear are in my room, but I have to walk all the way downstairs to get them.
  • My new phone is way different than my old phone and it's taking me forever to get the hang of it.
  • I have too many Johnny Depp posters on my wall, and now there's no room for anything else.
My life is so hard right?
Gosh. I don't even know how I get out of bed in the mornings.
Like the other morning my mom made a delicious breakfast, but she made get out of bed at 7:30 to eat it.
I was so tired.
And so full.

P.S. What first world problems do YOU have to deal with?
Whoever can tell me the best one will get a shout-out in my next post!

The End.


  1. Prayers are with you. I hope you overcome your difficulties.

    My difficulties are that my nail polish starts chipping WAY too soon and it looks so dumb.

  2. These are my favorites things to complain about but I call them super white girl problems.
    1. When your lotion is a different smell than your perfume/body spray and the scents clash.
    2. Not being talented enough to do the nail designs that I find on pinterest.
    3. When you can't party as hard on Saturday night because you have to go to church the next morning.
    That's all I can think of at the moment. I'll get back to you with more.

  3. Also not wanting to take a nap because when you wake up you'll pretty much have to get ready all over again before you go do something.

  4. When a white kid gets a higher test score than me and acts like they're the SHIZ cuz they did better than an Asian. Jerks.
