Wednesday, October 3

Squirrel Feuds.

So, this one time, I didn't blog for like three months.
And the whole world plunged into a deep depression. Caterpillars refused to come out of their cocoons, flowers wilted and died, and Robert Downey Jr. got hurt on the set of Iron man 3.
Just kidding. 
None of those happened.
Except Robert Downey Jr. really did get hurt on the set of Iron man 3. Not very bad. But it happened.
But really.
The world went on, because that's just what the world does.
Summer began it's slow change into fall, and I moved back to Logan and started my third year at Utah State.

I love Utah State.
Like totally 100 percent for real, true love.
If it was a man, I would marry it.
I'm living in a different apartment complex this year, it's called Bridgerland, which is a little misleading because there are no bridges here. But it's still pretty cool.
There is a little canal behind my building and these adorable ducks live there. 
Sometimes I share my Pringles with them.
We're tote's bffs.
Except there is this one really mean white one that sounds like the Joker doing an evil laugh when he quacks. 
Which is a lot.

There is also this squirrel that lives in a tree that I pass every day on my way to campus. For a while, we were friends. I would walk past him, he would chatter at me in the cute little way that squirrels do, and I would smile and wave and sometimes chatter back in that crazy way I do- because unlike Disney Movies would have me believe- it is not normal to talk to random animals you meet on the way to campus.
But I do it anyway.
Because that's just how I am.
Now, one day, I was walking under the squirrel's tree, and I could hear him chattering away in there when all of a sudden I felt something small and very hard hit the back of my head. Now, there was no one else around, just me and the squirrel.
And the crab apple it had just thrown at my head.
That's right.
For no reason whatsoever, this squirrel that I thought was my friend, had just chucked nasty fruit at my head.

I was so sad.
Then, I was so mad.

What right did this squirrel have to get angry at me?
I had been nothing but nice to this rodent, and he has the gall to chuck crab apples at me?
So now, me and squirrels have a feud.

The End.

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