Saturday, February 12


Now, I am not trying to be vain or narcissistic when I say that I am a fairly attractive human being. I'm no Marilyn Monroe, or Audrey Hepburn, but I think I'm fairly nice to look at. One of my favorite things about myself is my hair, I love my hair. Maybe, if I could, I would marry it. It's just so, orange-y and soft and shiny.

Anyways... when I'm bored, I love playing with my hair. Curling it, straightening it, braiding it, pulling it up, taking it down...and the last time I was at Wal-Mart I decided to invest in some hair rollers. I thought it would be an awesome plan, shower at night, put my hair in the rollers, and then take them out the next day and have gorgeous, luscious, curly hair. Unfortunately....things didn't quite work out...

See Here I am, not bad right?

Here's me in the rollers. It took forever, but I was so excited that I didn't care. 

Yup. That's how it ended. I looked like a bad cross of Annie and a lion. I showed my roommates and they laughed for a long time. It was very embarassing. 

So, moral of this story: don't use hair rollers. Unless you want to look like you have an afro. 

The End.


  1. This is my favorite ever. I love your pictures!!

  2. Thanks Lara! I will admit, your pictures were kind of my inspiration....
