Tuesday, October 26

The Quote Wall and Seven Kills

Quote walls have become quite the trend in the apartments on my floor. And given that we are all kind of crazy, you can only imagine the kinds of crazy things we say! In this post, I will share some of my favorite quotes from my favorite crazy friends.

1. "Girl, I don't want yo breasts and thighs, I just want me a Double Down!"
         This was naturally uttered by a human of the male gender. All of my man friends that live down the hall are obsessed with the artery-clogging-infarction-inducing-abomination know as the KFC Double-Down. I can quite honestly say that I will never in my life want to partake of this disgusting creation, but men seem to love it. As it so happens, my man-friends were on a late night Double-down run when they were told by the workers that they were out of double-downs but would be happy to give them some tasty chicken breasts or thighs. As you can tell, they weren't particularly happy about the situation.

2.  "If the soap do what the soap do, then you do what the soap do too."
        This is one of those things that makes absolutely no sense. Again this highly intellectual statement (I'm going to steal from Dan Bergestein and say that my sarcasm hand is very very much raised) is the work of my down the hall man friends. And while the quote itself makes no sense, the fact that it was said by the person that said it makes perfect sense. Unfortunately, I don't think that sentence made any sense at all.

3.  "I'm naked! Come on in!"
      For some inexplainable reasons, everything my roommate says makes her sound like a very scandalous woman. Others include " I just couldn't keep my clothes on" , and "Who should I seduce?" If you knew my roommate, you would find this hilarious, because she is absolutely the sweetest person on earth. The fact that her language is so scandalous is really really funny.

On a completely unrelated note: I am slowly becoming addicted to Call of Duty.

I never understood how guys could spend so much time playing these army shooting games, but I've started playing, and holy crap. They are actually fun! Granted: I probably suck more than anyone else in the world, but I do enjoy it! I've been playing a bunch lately, and I am slowly getting better! I can actually run around now without running into walls, and when I shoot people sometimes I actually hit them!! Today I actually got seven kills! Did you hear that? SEVEN!

For those of you that are super-pro at Call of Duty....shut up. Seven was awesome for me!

I am slowly becoming a cold-blooded killing machine! Woohoo!

And also, today I learned how to tie a tie!




The End.

1 comment:

  1. It's so cool to see that you are enjoying your college life! These are the years we will remember for the rest of our lives! Live it up! :)
