Wednesday, February 9

Secret Valentines Plans

As you all know, Valentines is coming up. As you also know, or at least inferred from my last post, I am relatively manless for this day of affection. And by relatively, I mean completely. My roommates are pretty much in the same boat as me, which proves that there is a serious problem with the men up here. My roommates are all gorgeous, amazing girls that any man anywhere else in the world would give anything to date. But, since we are all manless on Valentines day, we decided to have a secret scandalous party, the details of which will never be revealed to anyone other than the four of us. 
        Are you curious? Are you just dying to know? Well you can't. I'm sorry.  If I told you, then there would be catastrophic repercussions. Kind of like when you rip the tag off a mattress. Or when a Vogon reads poetry to you. It just wouldn't be good. But, since I think it would be incredibly cruel to bring this up, and then leave you in the lurch about it, I will give you three hints.Mostly just because I'm very excited for it and cannot contain myself.

Hint Number One: No men will be allowed in our apartment. It would just be improper. 

Hint Number Two: We all had to go buy new attire to wear at this party. New matching attire. (devilish eyebrow wiggling)

Hint Number Three: I don't know anyone else who is having a party like this. But I know plenty of people that secretly wish they were. 

There you have it, who needs men on valentines day? Not my apartment! We have much better plans....


  1. I know! You're going to watch Lagan wearing colorful costumes, dance to all of the songs, and swoon over Bhuvan. That's what I would do for a secret party anyway....

  2. Ooh, that is a good idea! But sadly, it isn't what we have planned. I do love Lagan though!!
