Tuesday, December 6

How To Survive Finals Week:

{This Post is Dedicated To My Dear Friend Taylor VanBibber Because He's A Stud And I Love Him}

All right my dear friends,
It is the time of year where I apologize for being such a bad blogger
And also give you some
probably hilarious
possibly effective
tips for surviving finals.

1. Eat Cookie Dough.
Eat a lot of cookie dough. Eat nothing but cookie dough.
Fill your entire fridge with different varieties: Chocolate, chocolate chip, white chocolate macadamia nut, sugar cookies.
Heck, just get a pack of double-stuffed oreos, a tub of frosting, and eat your heart out.

2. Flash Cards.
Take your textbook, and copy every chapter you're going to be tested on, onto flash cards. Important vocabulary words get their own card, but all the filler crap you can just cram onto random cards and then burn them maliciously.
But. Don't burn them in your apartment. Otherwise the smoke detector will go off and since you're short, you'll have to drag a chair all the way across your apartment to turn it off.

3. Watch Big Bang Theory.
While you're studying, while you're not studying, while you're sleeping, while you're not sleeping, while you're eating, and while you're at the grocery store.
This show is dynamite.
Not only is it hilarious, full of adorable adorable ADORABLE nerd-men, but- they talk about smart things.
When you listen to smart things, you get smarter.
Ergo, if you watch Big Bang Theory, you will become a crazy-genius and be able to pass your finals in your sleep.


4. Keep Your Brain Stimulated.
If you let your brain rest, everything you've been studying will puddle around and fall out of your ears while you're not looking. So, here are a few things that I have found keep me focused and un-puddly.
When you're becoming distracted, start counting your fingers. Backwards. 
Try to tip a cup over with your mind (Like Matilda)
Play Minesweeper (Learn the rules though, it's not just a really hard guessing game...)

5. Listen to Asian Music.
Asians are smart and attractive.
It is a secret theory of mine that they have secret telepathic messages encoded in their music that make you smarter.
Either that, or their trying to brainwash everyone into liking   Hello Kitty.
(I'm not saying that I don't like Hello Kitty, I just think that the asians are just a little too obsessed. I mean come on people, she just wears cute dresses! It's not that impressive...)

6. Keep Yourself From Becoming Too Stressed.
Stress happens. It's part of life. BUT if you have too much of it, your head will explode and you will die.
To relieve stress, do the following:
Take a bubble bath. If you don't have a tub, just get a bowl filled with soapy water and give your hand a bubble bath.
Punch Something. but not a person or a small animal or a large animal.
Cry. But only once. Watch that youtube video with the soldiers coming home to surprise their families and cry all your worries away. But once the video is over, put on your big girl panties and keep on truckin'!!

7. Don't Lose Hope
I know that preparing for finals week feels a lot like you're in Helm's Deep trying to defend yourself against a massive army of bloodthirsty Uruk's, but really, it's not as bad as you think. Keep going as long as you can, and just when you think you can't go any further, Eomer rides up, snatches you away, and the two of you make many beautiful babies together...
Really though, if you start feeling like a failure, you need to step back for a second and give yourself some "Me" time.
Put on cute panties, paint your toenails, listen to Justin Bieber, and get your groove back girl!!
You got this!!
Like my Literary hero Aibileen Clark would say:
"You is KIND. You is SMART. You is IMPORTANT."

Well my little turtledoves, there you have it.
The ultimate Finals Survival Guide.
Use it well.

The End.

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