Monday, April 2


in my apartment
we watch a lot of friends.
a LOT of friends.
And I love it.
I wish I was Phoebe, and that I could marry Chandler, and that Gunther was my best friend, and that I could live in New York and drink coffee at the Central Perk and have play Jenga with Alec Baldwin and all kinds of crazy adventures.
And then I look at my life,
and realize that I could be making people wish they were me, and I could be doing all sort of awesome things and having crazy adventures...
and mostly I just don't.

I do fun things sometimes...

I went to Iowa with my swing dance team,
I spent Friday night running around in a park with a bunch of people that I didn't really even know
I went to the Festival of Colors
I went mouse-boat racing
I jumped in a dam in my underwear
I got trapped in a dress at the Dillards
I walked around campus for an entire day wearing a fake mustache
I took Chinese
 And other things like such as...

But all these fun things are widely spaced between long periods of just sitting in my apartment watching Friends.

It's time for a change.

I'm 20 years old, I'm in the prime of my life
and when I look back in another 20 years I don't want to have to tell my children that I spent the days of my youth watching other people live.
I want to be able to tell them all of the crazy adventures I had
And stupid things I did
And awesome people I met.

I want to live.
I want to run when it says walk
And talk to people I don't know
And take long walks
And dance in the rain
And hold hands 
And look at the stars
And catch fireflies
And go dancing
And make mistakes.

And by Jove, I'm going to do it! 
 Starting now, I'm going to really live!
And you all are welcome to join me.

The End.

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