Wednesday, September 21

My Life's Awesome. Fact. FACCCCCCT.

I know I've been a real dirty trash can full of poop in regards to my keeping you updated on my life. So, I'm going to tell you all exactly how my day was today.

A Day In The Life of An Incredibly Attractive Ginger That You Should Be Extremely Jealous of.
Take 1.

Firstly, I have the best schedule in the whole entire world. My first class isn't until 12:30 so I get to spend my mornings blissfuly sleeping in until 9 or 10....or sometimes almost until 11. Don't judge. Anywhoo...I got up this morning/almost afternoon incredibly excited because last night was the premeiere of Glee!! My almost favorite TV show of all time!!!! (It's in a three way tie with BIg Bang Theory and Chuck) So I get out my cute little laptop, log on to my cute little hulu, and then do you know what happened??? Hulu said that I can't watch Glee FOR A FETCHING WEEK UNLESS I BUY HULU PLUS!!! I flipped a biscuit.

After that: I went to class. Where I learned how to say this:
你 工作审理吗?
which means "is your work stressful?"
I'm so freaking Asian it's not even funny.

After my Asian class, I headed over to chill with my super cool, bald friend Ellis. He stole my laptop, hacked my facebook and changed my relationship status to "engaged"
So- everyone I know started freaking out because they thought that I was getting married. To Ellis' freshman roomate.
I had people calling me and texting me all day with their congratulations. I don't even have a fetching boyfriend! How in the poop could I magically be engaged? I'm not some freaky Shakespearean wench who decides she's soooooooooo in love with wimpy little Romeo after she's met him like twice.
I'm so not that girl.
Not even a little bit.

In the midst of my fake-fiance-fiasco (sweet alliteration there right?) I had to go to the rest of my classes where I was pretty much bored out of my ginger mind. Except in my FCHD class, which is always interesting because the professor is this adorable grad-student that I can't for the life of me tell if he's gay or not. Not that I really care mind you, it's just very difficult to tell. And it bugs me. Also he looks like a meerkat.
And adorable meerkat.

Remember how I made Swing Team? Well we have two practices a week and one of those was tonight. I spent two hours dancing my heart out, and realizing that I'm really not as good a dancer as I thought I was.
My partner is a pretty chill guy. His name is Milo.
He wears exciting shoes.
Also, Milo is just a really cool name.

Basically, that was my day. Give or take a few unhealthy college student meals, some awkward encounters with Asians, and a lot of riding my adorable bike around campus. I lead a pretty charmed life.
It's ok if you're jealous.

The End.


  1. Awkward encounters with asians? Did they offer you some dog or cat? maybe cat fu yung? ;)

  2. Brittany, I totally know the gay/straight professor you are talking about! I never was able to completely decide what he was....haha.
