- My Bike: If you've seen my bike, you understand why. If you haven't-you are extremely deprived! I've always loved my bike it is just the most adorable method of commuting known to man, but since I've come up here and my bike has become my primary source of transportation I have developed a greater love for my bike. I know this sounds incredibly vain, but I love when I ride it around campus and get looks of admiration from the general public. It's also a great conversation starter too, I have had many people start talking to me about my bike and many of them have been men type people of the not ugly persuasion!
- Swing Dancing: I know I've talked about this before, but I really do love it! If you've never been swing dancing, you have to do it! Not only is it incredibly fun, but it's also a crazy-good workout! I have met many attractive men in my swing dance class, and dancing with people is a really good way to get to know them! You can tell a lot about a man by the way he dances!
- Squirrels: There are so many squirrels up here it's insane! I see them everywhere, but the one that the boys that live down the hall have christened "King James" is definitely the best. King James lives in these pine trees right by our apartment, and he's always doing hilarious stuff. He really likes chucking stuff at anyone who walks past him, he's a vicious little guy, but he makes life a lot more interesting.
I really do have a lot more, but for length purposes I'll end here.
You will hear more from me....I'll be baaack (that was supposed to sound like Ahnold, I'm not sure how well it worked though.)
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