It's been a while. And I apologize. Remember how my life was super incredibly boring and I had nothing to do but blog and fiddle around on my guitar? Well, unfortunately, those days are long gone. I can barely even remember them now.
Basically, I have just been working my little ginger butt off trying to get enough money to pay my rent. I hate being grown up and having to pay for everything. It sucks.
Last week though, I got a bit of a break. I got my wisdom teeth out. So really it wasn't a break, just a different kind of torture. I was way freaked out to get them out, I've never had any other kind of surgery before and I hate needles and such. I know it sounds lame, but the part I was most freaked out for was them putting in my IV. Just thinking about it made me a little queasy. Once I got in the operating room, they told me they were going to put it in, so I looked away, and felt a teeny little prick in my arm. That was it! The IV was in and I was ready to have my mouth cut open and teeth ripped out of my head! I really don't remember anything after the IV until about noon the next day, from what I hear, I slept a lot. Spoke a lot of gibberish, and was very entertaining. All of last week is pretty blurry, that's what Loritab does to you I guess!
I like Loritab.
Probably a little too much :)
Today I had to go back to work, and it almost killed me.
Going from being a drugged up vegetable to a hardworking citizen is not a fun transition. Not at all. I only worked a six hour shift and I barely made it through.
Thank goodness I don't have to work again until Wednesday.
Other than that, not much has happened in my life. It's been pretty boring. As any college-age-girl-living-at-home-in-utah knows very well.
I miss Logan. I miss my roomies. I miss people.
The only people I get to talk to anymore are Bulgarians; which are awesome- I just miss my college peep's.
Moral of This Story: DOn't get your wisdom teeth out. Keep your wisdom.
The End.