Saturday, June 4

Bluegrass Adventures

Today was a momentous day. A glorious day. Heck, today was even a frabjous day! I had the best of times at the Ogden Bluegrass Music Festival with a bunch of my high school buddies. 

I don't really even listen to Bluegrass. Ever. But when my amazing friend Mckenna asked if I wanted to go- I couldn't refuse. And, all of my dear readers, I am so glad that I went. It was incredibly fun!

We got there, (we being myself, Mckenna, and two of our friends: Emily and Cole) and were instantly greeted with the glorious sights, sounds, and smells that can only accompany an event such as a bluegrass festival. I don't know what it is about these kind of things, but they have a magical atmosphere. 

I think so anyway.

As the day progressed, we ran into more of our friends and we all did what any self-respecting group of young adults would do: acted like fools. 

It all started with a very talented group called Driven who was comprised of five men. Two of which happened to be very attractive twins. Very. Attractive. One played string bass, the other rocked out on the mandolin. I have discovered that there is nothing sexier than a man with a mandolin. We whooped, hollered, and whistled while the men of Driven did their stuff (which they did very well) and once they were done performing...we started stalking them. We followed them all the way back to their tent, and didn't rest until we got our picture taken with them.
Unfortunately, we didn't take them on my camera, so I have yet to gain access to said pictures. In their place however, I have a video of them performing which is almost as good!

After the stalking/picture fiasco, we started exploring the rest of the festival. We made many discoveries. These I DID take with my camera, so I can share them with you now!

The CUTEST pregnant couple I'd ever seen in my life
(I also think this picture could be used as the cover for a young adult novel involving young love, unwanted pregnancies, and bluegrass...possibly called Sweet Song of the South...or something...)
A guitar made out of a cigar box
The coolest/creepiest/craziest/sexiest/scariest denim jacket I've ever seen.
A banjo called Plucky. 
Does it get more precious than that?

Look closely...this man is NOT wearing pants....
The gorgeous Mckenna with a bright green ukelele
My very talented friend Kent can play the guitar with two women sitting on his lap.
I believe this is the epitome of skill.

All in all, I would call today A Success. 
Also, I've been offered a position at Gymboree, I have an interview at the new Riverdale Cafe Zupas, and I finally get to start working at Lagoon next week. 

Moral of This Story: Mandolin > Guitar. Also, life is good.

The End.