Wednesday, June 1

Bloggin' 'Bout a Bunch of Bulgarians

I just love it when things are alliterative. It makes me all happy inside.

Today was my 2nd day of training at the fabulous Lagoon amusement park, and what an exciting place to work it is....not. Not really. It's not awful by any means, but the way it is managed is a little frustrating. The whole system is really disorganized and hard to work with. I finally started my training though, and so far I quite enjoy it! Operating rides is a lot simpler than I thought it would be, mostly, I push a button to start the ride and then let go of the button to stop it. Hardly rocket science. 

The people I've been training with are awesome. They are all part of some work/travel organization that brings people from foreign countries to the U.S, where they work for 3 months, and then spend a month traveling across the country. The four I've been working with are all from Bulgaria and they're really cool. There are 3 guys; Yordan, Igor, and Dimitrishnivshnocklevich (I really had no idea how to say his name) and then a girl; Nena. The first day we trained, they mostly just sat there talking to each other in Bulgarian, but today they were a lot more friendly. I like them. Bulgarians are all right in my book. Plus they have really awesome accents. They think that Utah is hot and boring, mostly because they're all old enough to drink in Bulgaria, but not here in the states and they can't think of many other ways to pass the time. I hope I get to work with them a lot, I think they're fun.

Other than that, my life has not been exciting AT ALL, which explains my little lapse in posting. My dad just got back from a two week jaunt in Italy where he had an amazing time. I'm super jealous. The sun FINALLY came out and I accidentally fell asleep on my front lawn...resulting in a pair of bright red calves. Ouch. Also, I totally reorganized my bedroom. I'm very proud of it now. It actually looks like a bedroom instead of the messy cave of a hibernating bear! 

How have all of your lives been? Any amazing adventures? (ooh look at that- I got all alliterative again!) I would love to hear about them!

Moral of the Story: Bulgarians are cool. Not quite as sexy as Asians, but cool. Also...wear sunscreen.

The End.

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