Friday, May 27

I Can Be Your Hero Birdy!!

Today has been most eventful! I got up by nine, which is big for me. I'm usually lucky to make it out of bed by eleven. I really enjoy my sleep. Anywhoo, I came upstairs and was watching Mythbusters with my little sister, when the unthinkable happened... outside my Living Room window there was an attempted murder.

"A murder?" you may say, "Surely you must be exaggerating!"

My dear readers, I assure you that I am telling you the honest-to-Zeus truth. If I hadn't stepped in, an innocent soul would have perished. It would have DIED. No lie, though,  as I'm sure you have gathered already, this wasn't a human attempting murder- but it was a very vicious Bluejay trying to kill a very cute little Finch that I like to call Pippin. I had already watched one innocent bird perish from my Living Room window, and I wasn't about to let another one come to the same fate. I ran outside and chased away the evil Bluejay, poor Pippin was laying on the ground with his wing all bent trying to roll over onto his feet. I decided to take some action so I ran inside, got a shoebox, and very gently gave Pippin a new home safe from any hungry bluejays.

Once I got Pippin inside...I realized something very important. I have no idea what to do with an injured bird. I googled remedies for broken wings and further realized how inadequate I was to restore this little bird back to full health. And I wanted to be a veteranarian...

I decided that I needed to put Pippin in the hands of people that would be able to take care of him. So I called up the Utah Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, and they said they'd be happy to take him. I then drove him out, dropped him off, and felt very satisfied with myself. It's not every day that you save the life of an innocent little bird! 

Moral of the story: You can always be a hero to somebody.

The End.

1 comment:

  1. Aaaaaaaawwww... awww! AWWW!!! Brittany, you're MY hero! You saved the liddle bird!
