Tuesday, October 18


I know y'all are probably sick of me posting silly poems on here,
but this is my blog.
Tough nuggets.

I haven't come up with a title for this one yet,
but here goes:

Here I stand

Two feet firmly planted
Holding up two legs
with the rest of me balanced on top.
Anyone could look at me and say,
"That girl, she's standing"

"But what?"
I ask myself
"Am I standing for?"

Freedom? Equality?
The right to bear arms?
The right to bare arms?
Or simply the right
To be happy
And do my best
To make others happy

I only hope
That whatever I stand for
Is important enough to someone
that they will one day
find this place
And say

Maybe to a friend
to a grandchild
Or just softly to themselves,

It was here.
Here, she stood.

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