Monday, March 21

And in Other news...THE DEAD WALK THE EARTH!!

I am here to inform you, that in approximately 12 days there will be a zombie uprising on USU's campus. Swarms of the un-dead will ravage the university, feasting on the sweet flesh of the living. An Elite human Resistance Force will gather to oppose the zombie horde, and the two armies will have an epic, week-long fight to the death. 

You think I'm joking? Well then poor little unbelievers, prepare yourselves.

That's right my friends. I am 100 percent serious about this. Registration just opened for the USU Humans vs Zombies battle! This is the first year that USU has hosted HVZ, they premiered the program last semester and it was an amazing success. Sadly I missed the registration date so I had to merely observe instead of participate, but it was still epic. You couldn't go anywhere on campus without 

running into platoons of resistance soldiers

Or being swarmed by hoards of the undead

I'm not even joking. Or exaggerating. Not even a tiny bit, this REALLY is as epic as it sounds. And I am very proud to inform you that you are reading the words of the newest Zombie Resistance recruit! I will act as your personal correspondent, keeping you updated on all the zombie slaying action! 

The game starts when one person is chosen as the Original Zombie, the OZ has a week to "infect" as many resistance soldiers as he can, turning them into zombies. He and his new army have to "feed" at least once every 48 hours or they're dead and out of the game. The resistance army, armed with Nerf guns has to try and survive long enough that all of the zombies starve. The week is concluded with an epic, full out battle to the death the last night of the game. Both armies meet on a single battlefield at midnight, and fight until one side is annihilated. 

Words cannot express how I am excited for this to start. 



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