Monday, February 6

Day 6: Music and Lyrics

Holy biscuits guys!
I was almost going to go to bed,
but then I remembered that I hadn't posted anything yet!!!

And now I only have 13 minutes to write a whole post!!

And I have no idea what I'm going to write about...

Here's what I'm going to do.
I've been trying to put together another song this last week,
and I've got about half of it done.
I don't have a title for it yet, but here's what I've got so far:

My dear I wrote this song for you
And I hope that you won't be disappointed.
My thoughts inside my head are clear,
But on paper I fear they're so disjointed.

I just think that you are sweet
And you make me feel like I'm someone
I only dreamed I'd be.

I don't know if this is fate or serendipity,
All I know is being with you
Feels so natural to me.

Oh I just want to hold your hand
And fall asleep with your arms tight around me.
In twenty years we'll tell our friends
About the moment that your eyes first found me.

You'll buy me books, I'll try to cook
And together we'll be happier
Than we'd ever dreamed before.

I don't know how this will go
But Darling I am sure
I don't care what I am
As long as I am yours.
.  .   .

I don't like to brag... but I'm pretty proud of myself for this one.
And it sounds really good with the music.

If you guys think I should make any changes though, you should definitely let me know.
I love to know what you guys think.

The End

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE IT!!!! Can you please record that or something, and send me the music?? I'm dying to hear it.

    I'm kind of jealous of your poetic skills.

    Love, Chelsea
