Monday, February 20

How Almost, I Had To Kill Someone

I am, for the most part, a happy and peaceful person.
While I am a ginger and prone to quick flashes of anger.... and to sunburns... I rarely want to actually hurt people.

today was one of the times that I did.

I have a lot of clothes, which means that I can go a long time without having to do laundry. Which also means that when I actually get around to doing laundry... I have a lot of it to do.
Like today.

So I get up, later than I should have, but I was up late last night watching scary movies and I had no school today. So give me a break.
Anyways, I got up, and decided that it was finally time to do some clothes washing. I got all my clothes, barely managed to fit them all in my giant laundry bin, and carried it to the laundry room.
The trouble started.
I got two washers; one for whites, one for everything else.
I started them, and then went back to my apartment to drink Dr. Pepper and watch How I Met Your Mother.
When I went back to switch the loads into the dryer, I noticed something was a wee bit off.
My whites were all sparkly and clean,
but my darks... oh dear.
Some of them weren't even wet, and they were all covered with soap.
I didn't get upset, I just decided to run the washer again.So half an hour I came back...
somehow the washer died half way through the cycle and my clothes were now submurged in a pool of murky soap water.
Now I was pissed.
I had used up all my quarters washing them the second time, and they were nowhere near clean. I decided to switch to a different washer, put my basket on top of it, and scampered to my apartment to get more quarters.

Now, I was only gone for 3 minutes tops.
It's not like I foolishly and needlessly abandoned my laundry, but when I basket was on the ground
and some

had put their clothes in my washer.
I had been trying to have clean clothes for nigh unto 2 hours by now, and I had to wait for some idiot who just waltzed on in and stole my washer on a whim, until I could finish.
I was livid.
Oh yes.

I may have cursed
and even
just a little bit.

All I wanted was clean, dry, clothes!!!
Is that too much to ask for??!?!?!

Apparantley it was
because I had to wait another hour
and a half
to get my laundry all washed and dried.

It was a long, tough battle my readers.
But I endured to the end,
and am currently wearing my lovely
clean, dry, and warm clothes.

The End.

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