College, as I have told you previously, is a great place to meet men.
It is also (as my good friend Lara Smith would agree) a great place to meet creepy men.
I decided to go country swing dancing with my friend Whitney, and while I was swingin' away I started dancing with this kid...let's call him...Frank. So, Frank and I had a really good time, he ended up asking for my number and I gladly gave it to him. I was hoping to get a text from him later in the week or something, but no, not two minutes after I had left I got a text. And not two texts after that, I had a date.
I was still looking forward to the date, but I was getting increasingly creeped out by Frank. He was constantly texting me, or calling me, and over our many conversations I discovered that he leaves on his mission in two weeks! What kind of two-weeks-away-from-being-gone-for-two-years goes around trying to pick up on girls? I sought council from some of the guys that live down the hall and recieved this oh-so-eloquent explanation.
"If you're going to go into the desert for two years, you're going to want to take a really big drink!"
followed by:
"A smart man definitely wants get his canteen good and full!"
I guess that's what I get for asking advice from college guys. Anyway, I was a little wary of my upcoming date with Frank. I was mostly thinking he was trying to get some last minute action before he entered "The Desert".
So. The date comes. We go to a haunted corn maze. Bad idea. I don't do very well with scary things, at all. It was pretty clear that Frank was counting on me to cling onto him, and I didn't really want to. So I clung to my roommate instead.
After we finally made it out of the corn maze, I was trying to think of excuses to have the date end as soon as possible. So we went back to my apartment, watched a movie, and then the seeds of disaster were sown. One of my roommates was getting ready to go to the homecoming dance, and then Frank asked me if I wanted to go with him. (I should probably mention that I spent the whole movie texting one of my guy friends and we had planned to go to the dance together) So I told Frank that I wasn't feeling good, and as soon as he left, I hurried and got ready and then went with my other friend that we'll call Ryan. Ryan and I had a ton of fun, we met up with a bunch of our friends on our floor and danced like crazy people. However, as we were leaving guess who I ran into?
If you guessed Darth're wrong.
If you guessed Chuck are also wrong.
If you guessed my creeper date Frank, you get an A+ and a smiley face sticker. Congratulations!
Let me just say, you have never experienced awkward until you run into the creeper date that you bailed out on an hour earlier. I could have handled the situation with more grace, but as soon as I saw Frank I grabbed Ryan and ran away. I was hoping that Frank hadn't seen me, but no such luck. He was pretty pissed.
Oh well. He'll be on his mission in two weeks anyway.
And his canteen will be empty.
The end.