Sunday, April 17

I Hate Goodbyes, But I Love Farewells

I have met a ton of awesome men up here in Logan. The only problem with them though, is that they're all "Preemies" which means they haven't left on their missions yet, which means that all the guys I know will be gone for the next two years. The plus side of this, is that they'll all have farewells that I can go to, like the one I went to this weekend. 

My friend Travis is from Vernal, Utah. For those of you who don't know anything about Vernal, it's kind of one of those tiny hick towns that everyone makes fun of. And those of us who aren't from Vernal, make fun of it all the time. All the Vernal boys; Mackay, Travis, Caden, and Baker, spend a lot of time talking about how awesome their hometown is, so we all decided that Travis' farewell provided the perfect opportunity to experience the glories of Vernal.

The weekend started off with a tour, which took all of ten minutes, and then a kodak moment by the ugliest dinosaur statue in the world. It's not enough that it's just naturally hideous, but someone decided to dress it up for Easter, resulting in the ugliest statue I've ever seen in my life.

I wasn't even joking. Not even a little bit. This thing is nasty.

Fortunately there was a much more attractive dinosaur about a block away, so we went to that one to get a better picture. 

This one was kind of creepy though, because it's eyes moved around like it was possessed by some creepy Vernal ghost. At least it was cute.

After the cute little tour of cute little Vernal, we went 4-wheeling and had an awesome bonfire. I love 4-wheeling, but it is slightly problematic for me because you kind of have to have enough strength to keep the 4-wheeler going where you want it to go...and I don't have it. So sometimes, I end up stuck on bushes or accidentally in ravines.... it's bad times. Luckily, nothing happened to me this times, mostly because I let the men drive most of the time. 

This is my friend Brad, me, Baker, and Cassy in a cave that we 4-wheeled to. And if you were wondering why Brad's face looks funny, it's because he really had to pee and we made him take the picture first.

I really didn't think that Vernal had very much to offer, but I was fortunately proved wrong. We 4-wheeled, shot things, climbed up things, slid down things, ate things, dared people to eat things, played on things, hid spoons on things, and made lots of great memories. It was just so awesome for our whole group to be able to spend this last weekend together before the semester is over and everyones gone on missions. 

Missions are great, and I'm so glad when my men friends chose to go, but it just sucks that I have to go 2 years without them. 

At least I get to write them letters. I do love letter writing very much. I have four sitting on my desk that I have to mail out tomorrow.

The End. 

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