Wednesday, April 13

I WHIP MY HAIR....kinda...

Yesterday, I followed the example of my home girl Willow Smith, and I whipped my hair around like nobody's business. I was helping a couple of my friends film a music video for their Econ class, and they needed a bunch of sexy ladies to whip their hurr 'round like crazy. I thought it sounded super fun, plus who doesn't like being in music videos? So, I get to where they're filming the video, me and a bunch of other sexy beasts get ready to show off our "hairography" (thank you Glee!) but once we start, I discovered one very important thing...

I suck at whipping my hair...

You really don't think it would be that hard, in the words of Britney S. Pierce "It's like cool epilepsy" but I tell you what my home slices- it is hard. You feel like a total idiot, especially since there's a camera in your face, and then the jerks you're helping out decide to make fun of you. I don't know how that little Willow does it, I guess having Will Smith as a dad gives you special hair whipping powers, or maybe I'm just too white to be a professional whipper of hair. 

It really wasn't a horrible experience, yes I made a complete fool of myself, and was mocked, and it will be recorded on camera for the world (or just my friends econ class) to see, but it was kind of fun! The absolute worst part of the whole ordeal, was when I woke up this morning and couldn't move my head. I had whipped my hurr so hard it hurt my neck. I can barely hold my head up. It is sad, sad business.

Moral of this story: Don't whip your hair unless you're black and share DNA with Will Smith. 

The End.

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